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From morning dew of sprinkling light. From deepest part of island heart. From ancient kingdom of Aceró. Looking for us this hero who knows every Palmero. Spirit with wings. Faster than wind Wirling over Caldera. Raven with crown Remember the sound of Benahoare memory. Guard of La Isla Bonita dignity. Tanausú Mencey. Memory of Tanausú […]

Song of the wind

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Gently wind’s breath dancing in banana leaves under the starry sky. Open space collecting senses of thousands dreams. Ocean breeze polishing impressions free from our possesion. Empty card of diary night waiting for note of new melody. Canción del viento Respiración suave del viento bailando en hojas de plátano bajo el cielo estrellado. Espacio abierto […]

The Truth

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The Truth Truth, just like the time is patient, in anticipation. It doesn’t impose itself shouting like television commercials. It just is and like a stone at the bottom of the river waiting for the water of our inquiry and reflection, that will let her flow to the top Grzegorz Gwoździański January 2020 La veridad […]


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Fuentes From water we born. And there will return. Like salomons flowing upstream. Like turtles sharing their daydream. Like Palmeros defend never ending streams Fátima José Juana Antonio Fortunado Sotera Javier Mercedes Quimidio Inocencio Aquilino Griseldo Jaime Rosendo Eulalio I’m swimming to you. For all Palmeros Grzegorz Gwoździański 14th of February 2020 Fuentes Del agua […]

La Palma – el lugar donde la Tierra se encuentra con el universo

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Nunca olvidaré cómo durante mi primera visita a La Palma, caminando por las calles de Tazacorte en la hermosa tarde de verano, de repente mi hijo menor me preguntó: «Papi, ¿por qué estas linternas brillan tan débilmente?» «Porque en este momento, esos caballeros y damas tan agradables que viven en la cima de esta hermosa […]

La Palma – the place where the Earth meets the universe

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  I will never forget how during my first visit to La Palma, walking on the streets of Tazacorte in the beautiful summer evening, suddenly my younger son asked me «Daddy, why do these lanterns shine so weakly?» ‘Because right now such nice gentlemen and ladies living on the top of this beautiful island are […]


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THE GATE He could see her an inviting gesture from afar. Not being sure where and what it is for. So asked shyly: «Is that already?» ‘YES, ALREADY’ sounded from deep gate, or maybe above. Below was only the sea of clouds. And so without sobbing, without asking palpitations?’ ‘WITHOUT ‘ ‘THE SOUL REJOICES THOSE […]

El Paso

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El Paso Blowing by trade wind’s lips. Formed by morning breeze. Touching by laurasilva trees. Lifting by silent dreams. I slept under my Finca’s trees. Grzegorz Gwoździański July 2019 El Paso Soplando por Los labios del viento comercial. Formado por brisa de la mañana. Tocando por Laurasilva árboles. Levantando por sueños silenciosos. Dormí debajo de […]

The world painted by shadows and lights

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Young boy is pushing empty stroller of his smaller sister. Is black and white sunny day and they are walking between their parents who patiently looking at their carefree fun… I’m looking at this photo and asking myself – ‘When it was?’ If my mother wouldn’t write it then at the back of photography – […]

View from Mirador La Tosca

La Isla Bonita

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La Isla Bonita The highest from sisters and brothers. The greeniest like her ancient father. The hottest like her volcanic mother. Diamond on Atlantic deepest. Homeland of laurasilva forest. La Isla Bonita, forever free, always will be in me. For all Palmeros from La Isla Bonita… Grzegorz Gwoździański October 2018 La Isla Bonita El más […]


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